Kindred Being is a person-centred health service that harnesses herbal medicine, yoga therapy, energetic healing, movement practices and meditation as a means of nurturing our wellbeing and health.

Kindred means connected-ness and promotes a sense of belonging, within ourselves and with each other.

Kindred Being recognises each of us as unique and individual whilst also encouraging a community spirit.

“We are intricate, fascinating beings influenced by an array of inter-connected factors which represent our state of health. Treating holistically is to authentically explore all of these factors, helping to uncover our potential for living well and harmoniously.
I aim to provide a nourishing and collaborative space for this exploration and uncovering.”

ways to work together

  • Yoga therapy

    Yoga therapy is based on the wisdom and tradition of Yoga combining the spiritual teachings, techniques and philosophy with current Western medical and physiological understanding. These methods are applied to specific health conditions in 1:1 sessions or as a part of group therapy classes.

    Yoga Therapy empowers and supports individuals to manage their own health.

  • holistic health sessions

    Holistic Health refers to all the aspects that make up who we are- the physical, physiological, mental/emotional, environmental and spiritual.

    These factors are explored and considered in relation to your condition or concern throughout the 1:1 sessions, with the goal of treating the root cause to provide prevention of reoccurrence plus alleviation of symptoms.

  • classes, courses & retreats

    Regular drop-in classes of Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga and Integrative Qi Gong are offered in-studio and online.
    Courses and workshops occur throughout the year which deep-dive into a particular theme (i.e. Heart-space opening or Building intuition) utilising the above modalities.

    There is the occasional offer of specially crafted 2-3 day Yoga retreats, which allow for a completely immersive experience of rejuvination and rest.


Joanna is inspired by the bridging together of both science and spirit in her work with clients and the overall wellness community, seeing the integration and dance of the two as her life-long purpose. She considers herself a multi-disciplinary healthcare practitioner merging traditional and eastern healing modalities with western medicine and modern therapies. Joanna holds a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science; a formal qualification in Counselling; soon to complete a 3+ year course to become a Certified Yoga Therapist; and has spent two decades exploring Yoga and somatic movement, enriching her knowledge and quenching her curious nature with more than 2,000 hours of professional training both internationally and locally.

What clients Are Saying

'Working with Joanna has been a deeply healing experience. She had thorough knowledge and researched my concerns and gave me prescriptions that involved a range of modalities in order to get to the core of it. With practical support implementing the suggestions I’ve been able to sustain what we worked on and have seen improvements already.

The sessions were a worthwhile and enjoyable investment! And the area and space that we worked from was beautiful & soothing.'

- Naomi

'Walking into a Kundalini class with Jo you know you're in a space where you're safe to ground, to let go and to play. Jo creates Kundalini classes that offer a supportive container to explore yourself within the Kundalini Kriya. Jo's Kundalini courses have allowed me to deepen my sense of wonder, joy and gratitude.

I can highly recommend Jo's Kundalini classes for her grounded, calm and intuitive guidance in these powerful practices.'

- Loretta

'I love love love Joanna's classes. It is not only the exceptional quality & clarity of her teaching: her extensive knowledge and expertise across Traditions, it is also her insights and the value she places on all aspects of the practice(s) - not just the physical!

Her classes are intentional, balanced, beautifully paced, creative and always uplifting. I cannot recommend the wonderful and gifted Joanna and any her classes and workshops enough.'

- Nadja

'Joanna is very knowledgeable about herbal medicine and natural remedies and has provided excellent remedies for my health. She also has a very down to earth and grounded approach and is really lovely to work with.'

- Hilary

‘There are yoga teachers, and then there are yoga teachers who have the skills and knowledge to change peoples lives. Joanna is one of those teachers.’

- Aaron

‘Having regularly attended Joanna’s classes and workshops over an extended period, I know that she always teaches from a position of deeply integrated knowledge.’

- Susan


I would like to acknowledge that the practices and modalities I utilise and are informed by are based on traditions from other cultures of rich lineage which are not my own- I humbly bow in deep respect to these cultures and the people who are a part of them. I am ever grateful that these teachings and technologies have been passed down over thousands of years so that we may have access to them today. As a white, western female, I am committed to ongoing acknowledgment and honour of these sacred modalities.

I undertake and teach these practices on unceded Wurundjeri land of the peoples of the Kulin Nation.
I recognise the continuous and deep connection to Country of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of this nation. In this way I acknowledge, honour and respect the Traditional Custodians of land, sea, waters and sky. Always was, Always will be. I pay tribute to the Elders past, present and emerging and it is a privilege to be working and teaching on Country.
Sovereignty was never ceded.

I also offer acknowledgment to my own heritage and appreciate the shape of my ancestors lives which have guided me here.


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